Electrofusion Welding & Tools

Electrofusion tools are a set of tools used to join polyethylene (PE) pipes using electrofusion fittings. The electrofusion machine is the main tool used in electrofusion welding. It provides the electrical current that is used to heat the electrofusion fittings and melt the plastic of the pipes. The machine also controls the duration of the welding process. The use of electrofusion welding tools is relatively straightforward. The pipes are cleaned and inserted into the electrofusion fitting. The barcode on the fitting is scanned, and the welding parameters are set on the electrofusion machine. The machine is then turned on, and the welding process begins. Once the welding process is complete, the joint is allowed to cool. Electrofusion welding tools are a valuable asset for anyone who works with PE pipes. They allow for the quick and easy joining of pipes, and they produce strong, reliable joints.

Electrofusion Welding & Tools

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